Book a One-On-One

Qi Gong Assessment or Private Lesson with Jordi

We are now offering private online Qi Gong lessons and additional Qi Gong assessments for the 200-hr Level 1 QTT with our Senior Forest Rock Teachers.

On this page you can book a One-On-One with Jordi.


Senior Forest Rock Qigong Teacher

Based in Bali, Jordi has been driven since a young age for a curiosity to discover the secrets of living. Starting from the most common question: Why are we here? What is the purpose of this life?

He moved to Australia in 2004 to follow one of his passions, Surfing. There is where he started practicing yoga consistently and discovering the knowledge of the Aboriginals. A new adventure started. 

He is a certified Yoga Teacher, Qi Gong Teacher, and Quantum Flow Teacher. In addition he has studied past life regression, raw food cooking and other wellness disciplines. 

Professionally, he is been focus on high end Hospitality Management living Internationally for a couple of decades. 

One-On-One Assessment or Private Lesson